Autumn Attunemnet Cleanse with Tara
Mon, Oct 7th - Fri, Oct 25th @ 7:15 am
Soul Body Ojai
206 N. Signal St. Suite M
California ( CA )
Join our resident, Chinese, medical practitioner, and Yoga teacher, Tara Matthews, LAc for a journey through the autumn season of release, gratitude, and seasonal change. We will focus on rebuilding healthy boundaries and strengthening the immune system with a gentle parasite cleanse and healing of the intestines and lungs. In community, each morning, we will share our experiences and dive deep into wisdom related to the autumn season daily, live meetings, community space, live and recorded yoga, and nutritional suggestions are included, as always. See you soon for a customizable attunement cleanse that works for everyone. Register on our online platform at and Go to the Cleanse Tribe for details.