(805) 717-9900

Dani Livpriya

Dani Livpriya

Healing Art


AboutSession DescriptionsSession RatesOther Information

Dani Livpriya is a certified Zero Balancer and has been practicing Craniosacral therapy since 2002. The balancing wisdom of these modalities, the neutrality of the touch and depth with which they treat and connect the mind, body and spirit, allow for deep healing, grounding, transformation and liberation. Dani loves to hike her dogs, practice kundalini yoga, play the gong, visit family on the East Coast, is a Scout leader, gene keys enthusiast, and lover of nature, beauty, color and healing sound.

Zero Balancing
Zero Balancing is a grounding practice that relaxes you into your bones. It helps you feel rooted, embodied, empowered, present with a sense of belonging. Zero Balancing follows a protocol from feet to head and head to feet. It moves held tension in the bones through pressure points/fulcrums and gentle traction/vectors connecting energy and structure. The art of Zero Balancing brings you into deep communion with your true self and the wisdom your bones.
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, light touch practice that supports healthy movement of the cranial bones, the sacrum, fascial tissue, cerebral spinal fluid, and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. The practice is guided by the client’s craniosacral rhythm. Sessions are structural or use both structure and magery and dialogue. CST benefits: migraines, chronic neck and back pain, depression, trauma, dental visits, stress/tension disorders, ADHD, autism, longevity, and is helpful for dementia, and Alzheimers prevention. CST flushes the brain of metabolic waste and activates fresh cerebral spinal fluid to flow through the brain keeping them nourished, young and vibrant.

Bodytalk uses applied kinesiology and a protocol to restore and rewire optimal communication lines in the mind/body complex. It is a full spectrum practice that is open to all branches of teaching and experience. It balances consciousness, thought, emotion, elements, chakras, meridians, organs, bones, tissues, cells, chemicals, and all systems that want to be witnessed. We bring stories to awareness and access harmony in the present moment and quantum field.

$20, 10 am Monday Morning Group Session Pranayam/Bodytalk/Gong @ Gahvarum
$75/30m private
$135/60m private
$200/90m private
Dani is available Mondays for appts
text, call, or email to schedule your visit today

Monday Morning Group Pranayam, Bodytalk, and Gong
10am @ Gavahrum Community Space Ste. H