Acupressure, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pain Relief, Qigong
Ever since she was a child in Taiwan, Yi-Chen Hsu wanted to be a healthcare practitioner so that she could help other people to be healthy and happy. She came to the United States in 2000 to fulfill this dream when she attended the Samra University of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and became a licensed practitioner of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is particularly interested in acupuncture and herb medicine, in addition to tuina therapy, guasha, cupping and other traditional Chinese medicine techniques.
After a clinical practice of 10 years, she took her dream further, and obtained her Ph.D. This enabled her to develop a specialty in women’s health. Six years ago, she came with her family to Ojai because of its unique community of spirituality and healing. She splits her time between Ojai, where she is now associated with Soul Body Ojai Clinic, and Santa Monica, where she has practiced for more than 20 years.
Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cupping, GuaSha, Moxa, TuiNa, Balance
Acupuncture session -120min-
L.Ac. , NCCAOM Dipl. OM