(805) 717-9900
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
Lao Tzu

Dear Soul Body Tribe,

There are some big changes happening at Soul Body!

I’m handing the reins of leadership over to Tara Matthews, L.Ac.  It has been my time to move on for a while now. I’ve been praying and preparing the business to sell for many months not knowing who would be called to take the helm of this incredible community that we have built together.

As I reflect on my legacy here, it has been my vision to create a space for collaboration amongst practitioners, where each person has the freedom to offer their skills and gifts to the world in a supportive environment. A place of beauty and safety for everyone who comes through our doors.  A place of integrity, where we practice out of highest regard for those we serve, guide, and teach.

When I look back over the 3 years that I have stewarded this center, I feel so blessed to have seen my intentions come into fruition in almost every way. It has been one of the biggest blessings of my career to hold this space and be part of this community.  It is my time to move on now though. My own next steps are still formulating, but I know that you are in good hands.

Tara has been a practitioner at Soul Body for the past 3 years. She is an Acupuncturist and Chinese Medical Practitioner, a priestess, a kundalini yoga teacher, among her many titles. She started a successful Wellness Clinic in Palmdale that she’s owned for 15 years, she has started a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program here in the Ojai Valley (I was part of her inaugural class.) She created an online daily yoga program called The Art of the Daily practice which morphed into Soul Tribe Online. She runs retreats around the world, she has created her own brand of teas and healing herbs. She runs cleanse programs 4 times per year.  It is quite incredible all that she has accomplished in this lifetime, and I’m sure I’m missing a lot here too.  (Maybe she can fill you in on the rest.)

All on top of being a great mother to Mischa and the wife of Jeremy, a Fire Captain.  I love the way she holds balance in her life and look forward to all that she will bring forward in this new venture.

Much of what is being offered by our practitioners in the treatment spaces will stay the same. Tara is looking to offer more yoga classes and workshops on a regular basis. So keep an eye out for more weekly classes, as well as weekend yoga workshops at Soul Body.

I’m excited to see what is birthing in this new chapter!

So much love to all of you,

~Andrea Bardelmeier