(805) 717-9900
It may feel like an mixture of seasons here in the Valley of the Moon.  The nights are long and cold, the days warm and dry.  But we are still progressing…moving toward the deepest and perhaps, the most transformational time of the year.  As the day continues to transform into night, it is a time to reflect, release and set intentions for the upcoming new year.  We are approaching the seasonal dark night of the soul.  It is time to honor the light and the dark.  On the 21st, we move into the lengthening day, a celebrate our collective rebirth.  It is a perfect time for celebration and community practice.  But even on your own, there can be an intention around what you are letting go of and then making room for the thing, idea, habit, or practice that you would like to ignite in the new energy ahead.
We are a bastion of self-care and community, here at Soul Body Ojai.  And alongside our foundational offerings of individual session work, our group offerings this time of year hasten in a beautiful opportunity to grow in collective strength.  Join us in class (3 new offerings this month!), for Solstice Soundbath, or early morning Solstice Sadhana practice.  On the next new moon, our annual Winter Attunement Cleanse with Tara begins and can be accessed from anywhere!  In addition for those outside of Ojai, most of these offering and even more can be found at on our sistersite, Soultribeonline.com, including 40 day morning practices live with practitioners from all over the world.We are grateful for you and your bright presence in this world.  Keep shining.