(805) 717-9900

Summertime is connected with the Heart; its expansion, its healing, its open and life transforming medicine. In Chinese Medicine, the Heart Meridian is connected with the tongue.  This is one of the reasons why mantra, chanting, and singing opens and heals the heart.  The heart manifests through the movement and vibration of language.  Words can wound and words can heal.

Mantra can soothe anxiety and create more space for joy.  Some mantras target specific chakras and heal the physical body.  Consistent practice of mantra activates the nadi system, the channels and meridians where prana or vital energy, flows.  In Western Medicine, mantra soothes the central nervous system, boosts the immune system, and helps with addiction.

All of reality is composed of vibration.  Sound is energy.  Repeating high vibration sound produces a similar frequency in your body that gives form.  When combined with intention, profound effect can transform life perspective.  Ancient mantras were discovered by practitioners during deep states of meditation. Early mantras are thought to be derived from a space of practical help from the universe and some practitioners only knew one or two their entire lives.When you chant, chant with intention, allowing the idea and empowerment of the mantra permeate your subconscious, bringing you closer to a healing state.

Many of our yoga classes offer mantra as part of the practice.  Join in person or online to begin to experience the medicine of such work, allowing the season of summer to carry you in to a heart healing experience.